Alert Examples

The alert component can be used to show contextual information to the user such as a success or error message after form validation inside an alert box where you can choose from multiple colors, sizes, and styles.

Default alert #

The default alert component is a simple alert box with a text inside it and you can use the Color property to change the color of the alert box and the TextEmphasis property to add a title to the alert box.

<div class="flex flex-col gap-4">
    <Alert Color="AlertColor.Info"
           TextEmphasis="Info alert!"
           Text="More info about this info alert goes here." />

    <Alert Color="AlertColor.Success" 
           TextEmphasis="Success alert!"
           Text="More info about this success alert goes here." />

    <Alert Color="AlertColor.Warning"
           TextEmphasis="Warning alert!"
           Text="More info about this warning alert goes here." />

    <Alert Color="AlertColor.Failure"
           TextEmphasis="Failure alert!"
           Text="More info about this failure alert goes here." />

Alert with icon #

Use the Icon property to add an icon to the alert box. You can use any icon component from our icon library.

<div class="flex flex-col gap-4">
    <Alert Color="AlertColor.Info"
           TextEmphasis="Info alert with icon!"
           Text="More info about this info alert goes here." />

    <Alert Color="AlertColor.Warning"
           TextEmphasis="Warning alert with icon!"
           Text="More info about this warning alert goes here." />

Rounded alert #

To make the alert box rounded, you can use the Rounded property on the Alert component.

<div class="flex flex-col gap-4">
    <Alert Color="AlertColor.Info"
           TextEmphasis="Info alert!"
           Text="More info about this info alert goes here."
           Rounded="true" />

    <Alert Color="AlertColor.Warning"
           TextEmphasis="Warning alert!"
           Text="More info about this warning alert goes here."
           Rounded="true" />

Border accent #

Add a border accent to the alert box by applying the WithBorderAccent property on the Alert component.

<div class="flex flex-col gap-4">
    <Alert Color="AlertColor.Warning"
           TextEmphasis="Warning alert!"
           Text="More info about this warning alert goes here."
           WithBorderAccent="true" />

    <Alert Color="AlertColor.Success"
           TextEmphasis="Success alert!"
           Text="More info about this success alert goes here."
           WithBorderAccent="true" />

Additional content #

Add additional content by using the AdditionalContent property and add any type of content inside of it.

<Alert Color="AlertColor.Info">
        <div class="flex items-center">
            <span class="text-lg font-medium">Ensure that these requirements are met:</span>
        <div class="mt-2 mb-4 text-sm text-blue-700 dark:text-blue-800">
            <ul class="mt-1.5 list-disc list-inside">
                <li>At least 10 characters (and up to 100 characters)</li>
                <li>At least one lowercase character</li>
                <li>Inclusion of at least one special character, e.g., ! @@ # ?</li>

All options #

This is an example with all of the available options and properties for the Alert component.

<Alert Color="AlertColor.Info"
       TextEmphasis="Info alert with all features!"
       Text="This alert has an icon, border accent, and rounded corners."
        <div class="mt-2 mb-4 text-sm text-blue-700 dark:text-blue-800">
            This is an example of an alert with all available features enabled.
An unhandled error has occurred. Reload 🗙