Button Examples

Default Buttons #

Use this example to create a default button component with different colors. You can choose from several predefined button styles that include different colors, sizes, and variations.

<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
    <Button Color="ButtonColor.Gray">Gray</Button>
    <Button Color="ButtonColor.Dark">Dark</Button>
    <Button Color="ButtonColor.Light">Light</Button>
    <Button Color="ButtonColor.Green">Green</Button>
    <Button Color="ButtonColor.Red">Red</Button>
    <Button Color="ButtonColor.Yellow">Yellow</Button>
    <Button Color="ButtonColor.Purple">Purple</Button>

Outline Buttons #

Create outline buttons with transparent backgrounds and colored borders. These are useful for secondary actions or alternative styling options.

<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
    <Button Style="ButtonStyle.Outline">Default</Button>
    <Button Style="ButtonStyle.Outline" Color="ButtonColor.Gray">Gray</Button>
    <Button Style="ButtonStyle.Outline" Color="ButtonColor.Dark">Dark</Button>
    <Button Style="ButtonStyle.Outline" Color="ButtonColor.Light">Light</Button>
    <Button Style="ButtonStyle.Outline" Color="ButtonColor.Green">Green</Button>
    <Button Style="ButtonStyle.Outline" Color="ButtonColor.Red">Red</Button>
    <Button Style="ButtonStyle.Outline" Color="ButtonColor.Yellow">Yellow</Button>
    <Button Style="ButtonStyle.Outline" Color="ButtonColor.Purple">Purple</Button>

Buttons with Icons #

Enhance button functionality and visual appeal by adding icons alongside text. Icons can help convey the button's purpose more clearly.

<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
    <Button Icon="@(new InfoIcon())" Color="ButtonColor.Default">Info with icon</Button>
    <Button Icon="@(new EyeIcon())" Color="ButtonColor.Yellow">View alert</Button>
    <Button Icon="@(new InfoIcon())" Size="ButtonSize.Large">Large with icon</Button>
    <Button Icon="@(new InfoIcon())" 
            OverrideIconTextColor="text-primary-700 group-hover:text-white">
            Outline with icon

Button Sizes #

Choose from different button sizes to match your design needs. Available sizes include small, medium (default), and large.

<div class="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-4">
    <Button Size="ButtonSize.Small">Small</Button>
    <Button Size="ButtonSize.Medium">Default</Button>
    <Button Size="ButtonSize.Large">Large</Button>

Pill Buttons #

Create pill-shaped buttons with fully rounded corners for a modern and distinctive look.

<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
    <Button Pill>Default pill</Button>
    <Button Pill Color="ButtonColor.Green">Success pill</Button>
    <Button Pill Style="ButtonStyle.Outline">Outline pill</Button>

Block Buttons #

Create full-width block buttons that span the entire width of their container, perfect for mobile interfaces or prominent calls-to-action.

<div class="flex flex-col gap-4">
    <Button class="w-full">Full-width button</Button>
    <Button Color="ButtonColor.Gray" class="w-full">Full-width Gray</Button>

Button States #

Buttons can be shown in different states including disabled and loading to indicate current interaction status.

<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
    <Button Disabled>Disabled</Button>
    <Button Loading=>Loading...</Button>

Buttons can function as traditional buttons with click handlers or as links that navigate to other pages.

Link button
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
    <Button OnClick="@(() => Console.WriteLine(""Clicked!""))">
        Button with click
    <Button Href="https://flowbite.com" Target="_blank">
        Link button

Interactive Example #

This example demonstrates a button with click event handling, showing how to respond to user interactions in real-time.

<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4 items-center">
    <Button OnClick="HandleButtonClick" Icon="@(new InfoIcon())">Click Me</Button>
    @if (_lastClickTime.HasValue)
        <p>Last clicked: @_lastClickTime.Value.ToString("HH:mm:ss")</p>
@code {
    private DateTime? _lastClickTime;

    private void HandleButtonClick()
        _lastClickTime = DateTime.Now;
An unhandled error has occurred. Reload 🗙